Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to increase Internet speed?

There is no specific software for this purpose, as the Internet speed depends on the deal you have with your Internet service provider ( ISP). However, you can optimise your computer and browser for better speeds.

For example, if you are using an older version of Internet Explorer, you can upgrade to the latest IE9, Opera, Firefox or Chrome browsers for an instant speed boost.

These browsers render pages faster and hence make better use of your existing internet speeds. You can also install certain extensions like AD Blockers with Firefox and Chrome, which effectively block out unwanted pop-up and banner ads on certain websites — this will ensure that those pages load faster as well.

Finally, certain extensions like FasterFox (on Firefox) and FastestChrome (on Chrome) can make some automatic adjustments to boost speed.
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  1. This article is incredibly smart . Your tips are useful . I would like to add an alternative way to increase internet speed for windows OS users :

    1)First right Click on My computer and Click on Properties
    2)Then Select Device Manager.
    3)You can also do this by searching Device manager in the start menu..
    4)After opening the Device manager.,Double Click on PORTS(COM & LPT)
    5)Then you will find some communication ports..Then Select the PORT through which you connect to Internet....
    (If you don't know the port through which you connect to internet, do the following for all the ports...
    So,incase you change the internet connection you will get the Increased speed with that connection too)
    6)Double Click on your Desired PORT and Select PORT settings Tab...
    7)Then do the following changes
    *change the Bits per second value to 128,000 or to any other maximum if available
    *change the flow control to Hardware
    8)Then Click on OK and Exit the Device Manager
    9)That's It...Restart your System.....

    After doing all the above steps , you an confirm that your internet speed gets increased or not by using


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