Internet domain is expanding day by day with the inclusion of the latest web earmarks and websites that render different kinds of services to users worldwide. All of the below listed websites and tools are either totally FREE or they come along with a very decent FREE account opening option. You can make use all of these amazing tools without spending a buck and can utilize them to your full potential. Here is a brief review of these amazing websites and tools:
Tracking Hurricanes and Storms Online: My Hurricane
Well, hurricanes and storms are nature’s constantly going on events causing widespread damages. So if a news channel or a website reports a hurricane or a storm near your area, it should definitely concern you and you desire to get more information about the track of the storm. In this case, MyHurricane will definitely answer all of your queries. MyHurricane is a very helpful storm and hurricane tracking tool and is totally free of cost. The users are provided with an array of world maps that clearly illustrate and display their predicted paths. Users can also search for different kinds of hurricanes. Moreover, the tool also provides the option of zooming in and out of the map for a clear better view of the storms and hurricanes paths. The displayed and illustrated information of the hurricane or the storm includes its maximum wind speed, position, maximum pressure and also the most important of all, its position. The user can also enable different kinds of options on the map such as the horizontal tracking option on the map or even the tracking option on the forecast domain.
Special features included in this useful web service are: displaying current information about the storms or the hurricanes on the illustrated map, freedom of choosing the information that users want to see and omitting the info that is not required and many more. The most interesting thing, I found on this web tool is that it allows users to map the hurricane or storm. You can view this amazing web service by visiting the following link. [ MyHurricane ]
Drop it To
Well, all the internet users who are always eager for uploading files, they must be very conversant with Drop box. It is a great utility that allows moving and saving files and the tool DropitTo makes it far better than it is right now. Using this Drop it To web utility, users can create their own personal web based utility that other users can use to send any type of file. Once the registration process is done, the user gets a unique URL like
Now anyone who wants to send a file to you would go to the created URL and simply upload the file. That particular file will be precisely uploaded to the account at DropBox and is effortlessly approachable. For all the privacy conscious people and in order to avoid abuse, users are also provided with a dedicated password. This means, all the users have Drop it To password protected page and the person who would know the password will be able to upload the files. The maximum allowed file size is 75MB. By uploading the files directly to your Drop Box account, this Drop it To service also reduces the transferring time and bandwidth total cost by almost half. Users can access this amazing web service by following this link. [ DropitTo ]
Calculating Carbon Footprint: Be Green Carbon
Today, Global Powers are emphasizing on the matter of Global Warming; we all should work out some plan to reduce global warming and one great way is through lessening the carbon emissions. For all environment friendly people who are eager to work for endangered environment, BeGreen Carbon calculator is the site that you should definitely log in to. If you are eager to know, how much personal carbon emissions you are spreading then you should definitely visit BeGreen Carbon calculator. This simple web based tool allows users to see their carbon footprints annually inference from the comprehensive database of the total emission quality that includes electricity, natural gas, vehicles and even the flight travels. When you would first open up the calculator you have to choose an option in the form and fill up almost all the required information in the fields. For example, if you click on the vehicle tab, the calculator will ask for the make and model, and the year of manufacturing accompanied with the annual miles you have traveled on the vehicle. After getting all the information, BeGreen automatically shows off the carbon emissions in a total of metric tons from the automobile and also shows emission compared to an average value. By filling up the rest of the fields, you can also get to know about the total annual emissions of a single person. Good thing about this tool is that it also shows users some very interesting links that teach them how to reduce their carbon footprints. This is one great web tool indeed to know how much a particular person contributing in the preservation of the environment as compared to many of the other households. You can access this amazing service from the following link [ Be Green Carbon Calculator ]
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